Dear All,
Mohanji gave essence of shifting times in satsang happened in Muscat on 7 Dec 2012. He gave in depth spiritual understanding on two important dates 12.12.12 and 21.12.12. Simplicity of his expressions and words has made this the most difficult topic easy for every one to understand and digest.
He has given very practical solutions to get through this time. These ways are an effective way to couple spiritual knowledge into day-to-day physical life. Hope you find this reading extremely transcending.
Love and regards,
BTW Family

My Beloved embodiment of pure love,
We have been discussing about the shifting times and its impact in our life since some weeks now. Some of us have discussed about the changes that have already been experienced in life and their approach towards life.
Those who operate in emotional realms have been tested a lot. Those who opted for witness-hood have been rewarded. So on and so forth. Very interesting times indeed!
What follows might clarify some of your doubts regarding the current phenomena, time and energies in operation. I shall explain the scenario as lucidly as I can. Yet, understand the complexity of the subject and approach it accordingly – digest slowly, according to your capacity.
Energies are shifting
And they have shifted so rapidly in the last few weeks. As I mentioned earlier, those who still chose to operate from the emotional plane have suffered a lot and those who chose to operate in the intellect plane and objective witness-hood have taken the changes in their stride comfortably. As we know, we could use our emotional heart and react to each situation or we could use our intellect and respond to each situation. The difference is ‘reaction’ and ‘response’.
There are miles of difference between these two. When emotions and ego are at play, suffering is more. When the intellect is in charge, objectivity is more and it helps to understand the situation in a better light. If there is a body, there is change. When one inflicts pain through thoughts, words or action on another, the one who inflicts suffers for a longer period of time than the victim. This is the law of nature.

Now, in order to understand the changes that are happening in our realms, let us take a close look at the scenario of our own death. At the time of death when the last breath and the soul exits our body, the strongest emotion or the strongest feeling which we have at that moment determines the texture and flavor of our next incarnation.
This is why in our scriptures, it is strongly recommended to chant the names of God and contemplate or meditate on any form or formlessness of God as much as possible so that we attain God as we exit our physical body. The lighter we are at the time of our death by marrying love and kindness, we will experience a smooth transit. If hatred, greed, fear and jealousy plague us at the time of our death, we may become earthbound due to its heaviness.
Likewise, the soul associated with our lives undergoes evolution, shedding of baggage, even through the plane after death and before the next birth. So, transition during death is important as a definite means for higher elevation and after the primary transition of a physical death, it undergoes a gestation period of clarification about past life, lives, events, emotions, relationships as well as agenda that is forthcoming to handle while preparing to take the next journey in another physical body.
During this time, some baggage could be discarded or properly packed as per its relevance or lack of it. So, evolution is a continuous process. It happens through death, through gestation and through rebirth. The advantage during the suspended state between death and birth is that further accumulation does not happen during that state because our operating levels are not the senses and the mind, as well as the operating platform is not earth. (Almost all of our agendas are related to the realm of earth) This is a big relief.
We are only sorting out the baggage in hand at that time. The lesser the baggage, the easier the transit. Hence, accumulation while living in this body should also be controlled through awareness. If we follow wherever our mind follows and add more and more things into our shopping list, we will have mountains of unfulfilled desires and it could transcend into more incarnations. Beware.

Now, we have two interesting time zones at hand. 12.12.12 and 21.12.12. Both are transition points, high in energy and frequency. This will be transition for each and every soul that walks on earth. As I had mentioned above, just like the time when our soul leaves our body, a big transition happens, during these two days also, huge shift in consciousness is possible. Just like I mentioned above the importance of having higher feelings, emotions, desires or thoughts during the time of leaving the body, which will determine the texture and flavor of our next incarnation, how we handle ourselves including our thoughts, actions and feelings during 12.12.12 and 21.12.12 determines our life in the days ahead.
This is why I recommended everyone in our global Bless The World family to feed the poor and the needy, do acts of compassion and kindness, do good, feel good and say good things. Meditate, connect to the Lord that you worship through chanting, prayers or silence.
Most importantly, since our mind will keep wandering – which is the nature of our mind, it would be a good idea to indulge whole heartedly in service activities of whatever nature that is affordable for you.
But, make sure that inertia and procrastination should be totally wiped off on those days. You should not procrastinate using lame excuses. You cannot cheat yourself. You must shed inertia and run. That will help you in the life beyond 12.12.12. Another 12.12.12 will happen only a 1000 years later.

Hope you have understood the importance of the time that has been delivered to us by the kind universe. This is the time to express the qualities of our soul and the FATHER. Unconditional Love, Care, Charity, Kindness, Compassion so on and so forth.
Refrain from consuming food that increases inertia such as dead organisms, and substances that dull our system such as alcohol. Consistently and consciously, perform acts of kindness and love. Love your own family members, friends, colleagues.
Forgive everyone as you are elevating yourself into a higher realm. Reduce your baggage consciously so that the journey can be more enjoyable, transits and transitions can be easier. Express kindness from the heart. Forgive and forget pains and hurts consciously. Donate for charity and whole heartedly participate in such acts.
Feed the hungry and earn much grace through such acts. Shed hatred, fear, anxiety, greed and jealousy. That will reduce your baggage a lot. Fill the space with unconditional love which is lighter in nature and easier to handle. Engage in discussions and conversations of higher nature (satsang) which means, how we could make things better for the larger benefit of the world that we live in, or how could we make our life more meaningful by being worthwhile to the larger world etc.
Step out of your comfort zone and make a positive difference in the world outside. Use your life positively; and constructively for the betterment of the world. Entertain sensitiveness. Do not waste your time with talks about other people, and do not judge them or criticize them. Thought is the first level of creation, thoughts conglomerated could become events! Let your thoughts be of higher nature – words and actions will automatically follow.
Also, this is a good time for souls who are transcending meaning those who are very sick or in the critical condition. If they chose to stay in a body and go through the shifting times, allow them to. The best thing to do during such time is chanting, such as Sahasranaam or Sai Mantras. One cannot and should not interfere in another being’s karma.
So, deliver your love through chanting, prayers and service to other beings such as food, clothing, shelter and healthcare support to the helpless, in the name of your dear ones. This is the time of subtlety, all subtle expressions will gain more impact during such times, similar to Brahma Muhurtha time, where prayers, chanting or meditation has higher impact in the consciousness because of the clarity of environment. Consider this time as similar.
Remember, this is the best time of your life for spiritual elevation and evolution; use it wisely. Always remember that we are lucky to be alive during this time to enjoy and experience the transition. This is the time of lightness and brightness – use it to elevate yourself.

Just like death and rebirth, consider that you are going through a similar transition while you are in your body. This is the miracle of this time! Shed your ego and start a new life. This opportunity will never come back. Instead, if you hold on to your heavy baggage of regrets, hatred, enmity and guilt, you will miss the bus. Or at the least, you will not get the possible benefits of this ‘God-Given’ transition.
Do not fear that 2012 is the end of the world. It could very well be the end of our heaviness. It could very well be the end of our wrong identifications. Body will exist, but with a different consciousness package. A new software. Shed your limited mind and look beyond. You will know that life is far more important and interesting than our silly ego that our limited mind has made us believe. There you go….
I Love You

15 thoughts on “Shifting Times- A Profound Understanding”
Beautiful clear and unpretentious outpouring of love and truth. Practical wisdom, with method. It works…it works.
Pranam Mohanji. Thank you for the profound knowledge with timely warning packed in a case of love. It is great to realise slowly WE ALL ARE ONE. The same consciousness. We are short of many things but not short of your love and blessings. Love. Pranam. Nithya
Thank u!Its very clear and concise.This is something that most people wanted to know what happens on these dates.Well we have it now.No more fear about the world ending.Excellent explanation
Thank you Gurujee for such an insperational and interesting message.
I’m so blessed to have read it as my sister sent it to me.
I want to practice every request of your message and want to experience this prefound change.
Lord Shiva richest blessings upon you!
Makes absolute sense. Its something that should be practised daily, in order to find inner peace and fullfillment.
Thank you dearest Mohanji. Blessed is the day when Biba and you entered my life.
With love and gratitude.
Thank You very much Sir for making this Soul aware of this Profound Knowlege and guidance. Gratitude ! Sir wish to meet you although I am aware it will happen only when the appropriate time comes.
Mohanji, I have fallen ill all of a sudden and no medicine is giving any comfort. Is my sickness because of this transition ? Can you guide Sir ? I practice Kriya Yoga and also Meditate. Of late I realise that I am diving within and prefer reading spiritual books and posts. Avoid talking much and love being in solitude. Can you guide me in making best use of the present change for better transition of soul.
Gratitude to you.
Dear Roma
More than reading, I recommend contemplation on truth. Use the shifting times to understand yourself, re-invent yourself. It will help your life ahead. Continue Kriya with awareness. Concentrate on increasing awareness by watching your own thoughts, words and action. Understand yourself and that is the best way to be one with the universe. I will be in Mumbai on 23rd Dec.
Bless You
I am glad to know you are coming on 23rd to Mumbai. Please letme know where and when can I meet you .Gratitude and Pranam to you.
Thank you for a clear, very simple and insightful explanation of the big shift in Consciousness at this moment in time ….. Kate xxx
Dear Mohanji, Thank you for the explanation & timely reminder of being aware of our thoughts, words and actions. I was privliged enough to attend two of your Satsangs and I stand to be corrected but I recall you mentioning that instead of quoting Jesus to rather envelop oneself in the Conciousness of Jesus. Is it at all possible to give me practical steps or a method to be able sit in that Conciousness?
Pranam Mohanji, the above resonated very deeply. I pray that Baba will guide us so that our WILL is strong enough to take advantage of these auspicious dates, so that we may leave our EGO’s behind and use these days as a springboard to live the life and act the way we know Spiritually we should be acting, thinking and in a sense living. I understand truly your message of reaction versus being a spectator, i catch myself reacting and the outcomes seem to lead into multifold confusion and chaos with lots of negativity. When you step aside and think about the alternative, it would have been so much easier being a spectator and simply sending love to all, avoiding the EGO’s drive to react and act. I pray that you help us with your prayers to guide us lovingly to be able to accomplish this transition with Faith, Love and Divine Understanding. Loves always, Rajeev
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