Satsang in Sarajevo, Bosnia – 16th May 2017
Transcribed from this video by Biljana Vozarevic

Q: Everybody’s talking about Sai Baba, but there isn’t much information about Nityananda.
M: Just like we are born, at a particular time, at a particular place, for some reason, all masters are born the same way. They have a perfect reason for taking birth in a particular frequency, for a particular duration. Everybody – all of us are the same, so masters are not different from us that way. When you become enlightened, and then after enlightenment, there is a consistent effort to dissolve our unit structure and become the ocean. Then there is usually no reason to come back and take another birth. You don’t have to come back.
Nityananda was found on a small street as a baby. Nobody knows about his parents. There was a snake protecting the baby. We are talking about Bhagavan Nityananda who left his body in 1961. (There is another Nithyananda – Paramahansa Nithyananda – who is in the body)
He was taken care of by a family and was displaying many miracles right from his childhood. I can talk about a few of his miracles.
… I The Ganga should flow here!

He traveled towards the north until he came to Bombay. On the way, he was settled in a place called Kanhangad. He was meditating there. As there was no water in that area, he said, “Why should the Ganga only flow in the north? The Ganga should flow here!“ Immediately water started flowing. That water is still there even today.
… II Catching up with the bus

One day, he was standing at the bus stop. He was trying to go somewhere. He never used to wear any clothes. He only wore underwear, that’s all. A bus was coming, and he waved at the bus to stop. The bus driver looked at him and thought, “This man is not wearing any clothes,“ and decided against stopping the bus. When the bus reached the next stop, the driver found Nityananda was standing there as well. Then the bus reached the third stop and again the driver found Nityananda was standing there the same way. Finally, the driver stopped and Nityananda got on it.
… III Miraculous touch

Another story, he was again standing at the bus stop. He saw one woman walking. He went ahead and caught her dress. People were angry. They were chasing him. He was shouting, “She’s healed! She’s healed!“ Nobody understood what he was saying. Then they asked this lady, “What was wrong?“ She said she had had breast cancer on both breasts. When Nityananda caught her dress, she was healed.
… IV Train tickets

Once he was traveling by train and he did not buy the ticket. So the ticket checker came and asked him,“Where is your ticket?“
Nityananda said, “What ticket?“
The ticket checker said “If you want to travel by this train, you must have a ticket. Can you show me a ticket?“
The ticket checker showed Nityananda a ticket and said, “It should look like this.“
Then he took one ticket from his underwear and gave it to the ticket checker.
The ticket checker asked him, “So you’re going from this particular stop to that particular stop?“
“No, I want to go further”, he said and took another one.
Finally, he gave the ticket checker all the tickets – about fifty tickets in all – right from where the train was starting to it’s final destination. The ticket checker was really surprised, “How can this man produce all these tickets and he’s only wearing underwear? There’s no way he can hide these tickets. And the tickets were all for that day, not a collection of the old tickets from the past!”
… V A pot of gold

There is always a group of people who talks bad about any master. The same thing was happening with Nityananda, too. Some people went and told the income tax authorities, the people who collect tax, saying, “This man is financing schools and so many institutions and he doesn’t have any income. How does he get this money!?“ So they said, “He is probably doing something illegal. Maybe he is printing money or maybe he is an agent laundering people’s black money.” So the income tax people came to Nityananda and asked him, “What’s your source of income? Show us where you got this money.“
Nityananda asked, “Who are you?“
They said, “We’re from the government. We’re income tax people. We want to know where you are getting the money.“
Then he said, “I pick it up from that pond,“ pointing to a water basin, “Whenever I need money, I pick it up from there.“
“Are you playing with us? Are you joking? We can arrest you. We’re powerful.“
Nityananda said, “I’m not joking. I’ll show you. Come with me.“
He took them to the pond. He jumped into the water and brought out a pot of gold. He said, “Whenever I need money, I go down, I pick one piece of gold and that is what I use.“
They could not do anything.
… VI A true master makes more masters

A true master makes more masters. He was a true master and most of his disciples became very powerful masters. This is a sign of a true master. It’s not one who teaches well. Anybody can teach well. But if you can create more masters, you’re a true master.
He was wandering and, finally, he reached Ganeshpuri. He used to sit there and ended up staying there for the rest of his life. A lot of people used to come and see him and they were very afraid to be near him because he sometimes slapped them or scolded them. He mostly scolded people. When he scolded people, big karmic blockages were removed. He would always be talking something to himself. So many people thought that he was probably mad.
Towards the end of his life, he wanted to go to the south where he came from. Then the people of Ganeshpuri said, “Guruji, you have lived here all your life. We would like you to leave your body here so that we can take care of it.” So he left his body there. Ganeshpuri is an amazing and a very powerful place.
VII How he was operating was difficult to understand or record

There are many, many stories of Nityananda, but the thing is it’s difficult to even understand how he was operating. He was such a powerful master. When a master is very powerful and his operating levels are multi-dimensional, it’s difficult to record it. If there is a pattern, we can record it. For example, if he was in one place and was doing certain things in a certain order and miracles were happening, these can be documented. However, if a master is working on a much larger platform, through lots of people, improving standards of lives, it’s difficult to document.
And many people do not tell the truth. They only talk something bad. How many people say there was an amazing transformation happening in their life? Very few people. Most people say, “Oh, I went to him. He didn’t give it to me. So he isn’t good.” This is what you hear a lot. Even now, if you look at how people talk, they like to talk negative. How many people talk positive? This was also the case with Nityananda. A lot of people did not even understand him and therefore documentation was not perfect. That is why we don’t know many stories of him. These are the stories which were told by people to people. They did not write it down themselves and it was finally recorded after a few generations.
I can talk about my experience if you are not bored already 🙂
My experiences with Nityananda
My first experience with Nityananda – Guided by an invisible hand

I did not know anything about Nityananda, like most people. One day, I was writing a blog and his image came to my mind, for no reason. Of course, there is a reason, but at that time there was no apparent reason. His image came to my mind and I just put his picture and wrote, “Earth became better because he walked on it.“ I did not know why I wrote that. I had no particular idea or a plan, but within a couple of months, I reached Ganeshpuri. My original plan was to go to the samadhi of Baba Muktananda (his disciple who succeeded him) first, then to go to Nityananda’s samadhi. However the car took me directly to Nityananda’s samadhi because the driver did not know the way. The car stopped exactly at the place where Nityananda’s body was kept. They allowed me to come inside where only the priest can go even though it was not allowed for anyone to go inside. Furthermore, those people did not know me. However, they said, “You can come in,“ and I did. I touched the idol where his body is kept. That was an amazing experience for me.
My second experience with Nityananda –
Meeting Vimalananda, Nityananda’s disciple

There is a temple in the south called Mookambika. A bit high on the mountain where Adi Shankara did tapas (penance) and the Goddess appeared. She said, “What can I do for you?“
Adi Shankara said, “I would like you to come with me to my place so I can make a temple for you.”
The Goddess said, “Ok, you walk. I’ll come with you. But if you have one doubt in your mind, I will stop at that point and not go any further from there.” It means you should have so much faith in your mind that you should not doubt. If you doubt once, finished. Grace is gone.
Adi Shankara was walking and the Goddess was walking behind him. She was wearing anklets. The sound was coming, so Adi Shankara knew she was coming. After a while, the sound stopped. The Goddess was testing him. She held on to the anklets. Sound was not coming.
Adi Shankara walked for some more time, then a doubt entered, “Is she actually coming behind me?“ He turned and looked.
The Goddess said, “Doubt entered your mind. Grace is gone. Finished. I’m staying right here.“

That place is Mookambika Temple. That temple has been a heaven for many, many masters. Most masters including Sathya Sai Baba, have stayed there at that place. Sathya Sai Baba, Bhagavan Nityananda, Avadhoota Nadananda, etc. All these masters spent some time there, or they got something from there. Also, up the hill there is the spear of the goddess. Apparently the Goddess killed a demon there and there is a big spear sticking out into the sky. They tested the metal in the scientific labs. They could not find which metal it was made of. It is not from earth. That spear is still there. There are a few temples there as well.
So I was visiting these places and then I heard there is one disciple of Nityananda staying there. His name was Swami Vimalananda. He has also left his body. Do you know how I reached this person? It happened like this. I was visiting the Mookambika temple. When I came out, there were a few people standing, begging for food and money. I saw one guy who was wearing a good shirt. He looked clean like he had taken a bath. But he was also begging. I asked him, “Are you hungry?“ He said, “Yes.“ I said, “Come with me.“ I was going for breakfast. I took him for breakfast. I told him, “Eat whatever you want, I’ll pay the bill.“ He sat at a table, he ordered only one dish, ate it, then he came to me and said, “I’m fine.“ Then I said, “Go. I’ll pay.“ I asked him one question, “What about lunch? Do you want to take some food now for lunch? I can give you.“ He said, “No. Somebody will give me lunch.“ That means he is a true saint. He isn’t worried about the future. He’s only existing at that time. He is happy that he got food. If he did not get food, he would fast. That means he had actually become a saint. Not worried about the future at all. He did not want anything for lunch, the next meal. I was very intrigued to have seen him and he went soon after that.
Next day, the same thing happened. I was coming out of the temple, this man was standing there, I asked the same question, before he asked me, I asked him, “Are you hungry?“ He said, “Yes.“ I said, “Come with me.“ The same thing repeated.
That day I was planning to go to the river to take a bath. You have to go further down about a kilometer to where the river that flows. I wanted to take a bath there, so I was going towards that direction. Suddenly, I saw the board of a temple. I don’t know why but I just felt like turning there. There were a couple of people with me. One of them was taking pictures. We went in and when we reached the temple, there was a small platform. This man who had had breakfast with me was lying down there. He looked at me, he was very excited to see me and he said, “Oh, you have come here, go into the temple.” Then he said, “Swami Vimalananda who is a follower of Bhagavan Nityananda is there now, but he doesn’t see people. He is the same like Nityananda. His face is angry. You don’t know whether he likes you coming in or not.“
One person was taking pictures and later on when we checked, this person (who came for breakfast) was not in any of the pictures. There was no picture of this person. Who he was, nobody knew. His job was to bring me there. After that, even though I stayed two more days there, I never saw him. Only those two days during breakfast and third time here. Then he disappeared. He was nowhere, not even in the picture. Then we went into the temple, which was full of pictures of Nityananda. We worshipped there and I asked the priest, “Can we meet Vimalananda?“ He said,“Please wait, let me check.“ I said, “Just tell him Mohanji has come.“ If he can see through, then he will invite. Otherwise, if I am not eligible, I should not meet him. He called the three of us. By that time, he was very old and unwell. His leg was swollen and he was having tremendous pain. He asked me, “What do you want from me?“ I said, “Nothing, just your blessings.“

Then he said a few things about Nityananda. Nityananda told him, “I stayed three years in Mookambika, you stay thirty years.“ Before Nityananda left the body, Nityananda sent Vimalananda to this place where Vimalananda was presently staying. Vimalananda has stayed here for the last thirty years. When Nityananda said, “Go to Mookambika,“ He did not go. He did not want to leave his guru. He wanted to be around the guru.
Nityananda asked, “Why are you standing here?“
Vimalananda said, “I don’t want to go.“
Nityananda said, “Get out of this place!“
Vimalananda said, “How can I go without you?“
Nityananda was covered with a blanket. He gave the blanket to him. He said, “This is me, take it. Go!“
Until now, he has been meditating on that blanket. When we went there, he was sitting on that blanket.
This is my second experience of Nityananda.
So I believe that NItyananda brought me to that temple to meet this Vimalananda.
My third experience with Nityananda

My third experience with Nityananda was more interesting. Nityananda had created many masters during his time. Whomever he touched became a master. I believe that he has a role to play in whatever I am today. Nityananda had one disciple called Rakhadi Baba. Rakhadi means he only used to wear ashes on his body. Rakhadi Baba had a very, very powerful disciple called Poornananda who succeeded him. I had never heard of Rakhadi Baba nor Poornananda. In 2014, some people and I were visiting one powerful place of Lord Dattatreya. One saint wanted to see me. The saint didn’t speak English. For me, it was very difficult to communicate with him because I couldn’t speak his language, but he said,“I want to meet Mohanji.“ He came to this place where we went. His lineage is Bhagawan Nitynanda, Rakhadi Baba, Poornananda, Sadananda, then this man whom I met, Thyagananda. Poornananda left his body on April 6th, 2000. Before he left his body, he took out the mala that he was wearing, gave it to Thyagananda, and said, “One day Mohanji will come. Give it to him.“

Fourteen years later, I got it. He left the body on 6th April 2000, and on 24th December 2014, I met Thyagananda and he gave me the mala. Tyagananda asked Poornananda, “How will I recognise Mohanji?“ He said, “Look into his third eye. You can see a blazing sun.“ When I entered the room where he was sitting, he looked at me and he choked. Tears came into his eyes, he could not speak for some time. While I was sitting there, Poornananda told him,“Transfer all your powers to Mohanji. He has big work to do in the world.“ He asked me, “Can I transfer it to you?“ So I kneeled down. He transferred his powers, gave me the mala, gave me the garment and then we left. Poornananda was wearing this mala for a long time, it was like an atomic bomb, it was so powerful.

That is one part of the story. There are more miracles associated with it, but I am talking about the lineage. Bhagawan Nityananda’s lineage came through Thyagananda to me.
My fourth experience with Nityananda
Then, in 2015 I met Avadhoota Nadananda. I think some of you have read the book, “Autobiography of an Avadhoota”. I was in Benares (aka Varanasi). One family who knew me invited me for breakfast. When I went for breakfast, they gave me a book written by Nadananda. That is how I came to know about him. When I looked at the picture, I saw a lot of energy on the face, very powerful. I asked them, “Who is this person?“ Then the person who gifted me the book said, “He is a very powerful master who is still in the body.“ I said, “I want to meet him.“ He said,“I don’t know where he is, but you can meet him“ and he gave me a contact number.

Nadananda never takes calls. So I was trying the number for a long time but couldn’t reach him. Then I thought, “Ok, I can’t meet him.” Then I travelled overseas conducting programmes in various parts of the world. When I came back, I found this book was sitting on my bed! Normally it would be on some shelf. But this was on my bed. Then I thought, “This book is sitting on my bed, that means I have to do something.” I called the number again. But he was not picking again. So I said, “Ok, leave it.” and I put the book on the shelf.
In December, I was filming in Shirdi for a film in which I was acting. Nadananda was staying about eight hours from Shirdi. I decided to meet him. We went to meet him, myself, Devi, Mila and a few other people. We already informed him that we were coming and he arranged a room for us. The room was next to where they store the grains and that place was full of rats. The bed was on the floor. You had to ask the rats, “Can I sleep a little bit?” 🙂 But we never felt anything. We were coming to meet a great master and we were all happy to sleep with the rats. I was hoping there were no snakes because when the rats come, the snakes get tempted to see what they were doing. 🙂

When I met Nadananda for the first time, he asked me, “Why have you come? What do you need from me?” I never go to any master for getting something. I just go empty and whatever happens, happens. If we go with expectation, we come with disappointment. So I never ever visit any master for something or expecting something. I just go, whatever happens, happens. Later on Nadananda said, “Your job was to come, our job is to fill in.“ The tradition operates that way. If a person comes, they never go empty-handed. Whatever possible, masters fill in. When I said I needed nothing, he said, “Mother will tell me why you are here. Nobody comes to see me without a reason.“
Next day we were all there and suddenly he came and said, “I want to honour Mohanji.” Then he gave me a shawl and a Sri Yantra (a sacred geometry depicting the Divine Mother), etc. I call him Guruji. I said, “Guruji, I don’t need any honour. I’m fine. I’m not expecting anybody to honour me. I’m ok.“ He said, “No, no. It’s an instruction.“ Later he wrote about it. He wrote when Mohanji came he liked me because I was empty and I never asked anything. Secondly, while he was sitting alone, Babaji told him, “We sent Mohanji to you. Take care of him.“ Then I came to know about the lineage, Bhagawan Nityananda, his disciple Maa Taramayee, then Avadhoota Nadananda. So again the lineage came back.

More or less a similar thing happened. Nadananda transferred his spiritual bank balance to me like Thyagananda did. You see, again the river started from NItyananda.
My fifth experience with Nityananda
One more channel came. This is a master who is not in the body. Nadananda is in his body. This Swami was living in a temple close to where Nityananda was living in Ganeshpuri. Apparently, this is the place where Nityananda came first before he went to the place where he stayed later in Ganeshpuri. This man was bent. Some of you may have seen his picture. His name was Vasudevan Swamy. He was worshipping the padukas (footwear) of Nityananda.
One night, people threw stones at him. No stone hit him. The next time I went to him, I asked, “Swami, did you see who threw the stones? Did you complain to the police?“ He said, “No, no no, we should not look at who threw the stones because we will have anger towards them and our mind will get contaminated. We should not get contaminated. We should not see who is throwing stones. And we don’t have to tell the police, because their karma will take care of them. Why should we worry?“
Since then, he has also left the body.
The last time I met him he said two things. One,“ Mohanji, I always remember you. Every day, I think about you.“ Second, “Bhagawan NItyananda lives with you.“ He said these two things. These were more or less his last words to me.

In Conclusion
So this lineage came to me through various means, through various masters. And why don’t we know much about Bhagawan Nityananda? Especially when he created diamonds out of stones, i.e. out of normal people, he created masters. This is very difficult to see, very difficult to understand and very difficult to explain.
Sai Baba had done the same. He had created various masters. Every true master has created more masters. I think that’s about it, about Nityananda.
5 thoughts on “Mohanji on Bhagavan Nityananda”
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Aum Sairam…Wonderful article…Thank You…
A small correctionin name..Its not Nirmalananda…Its Bhagawan Nityananda Disciple Swami Vimalananda who was given Blanket and sent to Kollur …
Info is here
Thank You
I love Baba Bhagavan Nityananda and Swamiji Mukhandan, I say Bhari Baba. Love His teaching, hoping one day to walk a true followers and a Master like Mohanji. Great teaching. Blessings.
very good news about nityananda and your lineage.i am veryhappy and excited after reading this article