What we see in the world is a lot of panic. None of the governments of the world was ready to handle a situation of this enormity, this size. We could see that most of the people, especially in Italy, could not handle the effects of this sudden spread of the disease effectively at all. That’s happened in most of the places. People did not know; there was no rehearsal; it just happened and people had to cope with it and the governments’ had to cope with it. No government would take a decision which would harm their economy.
Here, we see that situation; total lock down, really at a loss as to what to do and the old, hardened habits which are connected to social life, to change all that in one day it was very difficult. Governments had to do the impossible, to literally put people at home, in isolation. The question right now is how do we overcome this situation. That is why I said, do not deviate your attention on WHY this happened instead of what we should do. That’s more important at this point in time. We will understand what was behind it, who was behind it or whether it was man-made, whether it was nature’s answer to human insensitivity. All these things we will come to know sooner or later.

As an evolved species, we have a much larger responsibility than any other species. We cannot be selfish. We have to be very kind and compassionate because we have that choice. We have made machines which could literally destroy and devastate the earth. Since we know this and since we have a clear understanding of the machines and the weapons that we have, we should always maintain restraint. We should be mature, we should be compassionate and kind; we should always be selfless then only the collective consciousness will make a difference in the system, in the ecology. Now, it’s a collective consciousness of unconscious existence. That’s what we see today. People are in a mad rush, people are running, chasing, trying to compete and beat and make a difference in their own life, forgetting about every other matter. If we continue like that unconsciously, for a long period of time, nature has to retaliate. Nature retaliated.
I would like to consider this as a wake-up call. I have told this before. This is indeed a wake-up call where one species is put behind closed doors; totally on house arrest by nature. It does not matter who made it happen. The effect is we are all indoors. We are all in confinement and it is reasonably choice less. We don’t have much choice as the entire world is open to all the other species; all the migratory birds, the beings who are free in nature; they’re roaming free. They don’t have any fear about the human species.

The most harmful species on earth is the human species; harmful for the beings in the sea, beings in the air and beings on the earth. We live unconsciously, we encroach into every aspect of everybody’s life, every being’s life and we do not have regrets. We have no guilt about it and we have excuses for disturbing, creating an imbalance in nature. Population growth is one of the excuses that we give. We need our spaces to sleep, we need houses but at the cost of lack of houses for many other species, lack of food for many other species.
We have done this enormously over time and I don’t see much change in the attitude. We do not have gratitude and our attitude is also the same. This is what this warning bell is for. Stop living unconsciously and start being responsible – that’s the message. Who created it? Actually speaking, at this point in time, I am NOT concerned about it.
But one point I have always said is that the 5G and the larger technological growth is only looking at human convenience from certain angles but not the human suffering or the radiations. Our rapid technological growth sometimes affects human existence; not only human existence but all existence – birds, animals, everybody is affected because of the frequency shift; because of 5G and stuff like that.
So, I would urge all the governments to think again before they actually implement the new technology even if we are a bit slow as we are now. We are at home and we do not have human contact apart from our family members at this point in time and we are somehow comfortable this way. There is no huge rush in malls, there is no huge rush in cinemas, so many places of congregations are vacant and we are fine; we are handling it well.
Maybe, many of the things that we thought is essential for our existence are probably not so essential. Maybe this is a good time to think. Most of the food joints are closed; home deliveries are closed. Still, we are surviving. We may not get all the things that we wanted or we were used to in the last few years because of this forced confinement. On one side, the materials are restricted; secondly addictions. So many people were addicted to various materials -material addiction. Many of those things are not available now and what happens when you don’t get it – huge withdrawal syndrome. I heard that a few people committed suicide because they could not get their alcohol or drugs. This is bound to happen because this is a vicious cycle which we unconsciously lived but now when we face the reality of the material not being available, what do we do? Sometimes, it’s a problem for families to handle such things.

We are facing all these issues now because this forced confinement is just like putting a mirror on our own face. We start seeing ourselves; how we will be, how we will respond, how we will handle situations which are not predictable because we are used to predictable situations. No vehicles, no transportation no flights! It’s a complete lockdown.
As one species, we are responsible for the entire species. We are responsible for the actions of the entire species; whether we like it or not. Here, there is no caste, creed, country, culture, colour, religion, language; nothing, just a species; various expressions of one species and everybody are responsible for everybody. So, this is a very important point that we should consider at this point in time.
This is a time for introspection, contemplation; meditate on it. Look at human species and there’s so much to meditate on, to understand, assimilate. And this time is very good for that because we have no diversions, no distractions. If you switch on the television, all you hear is about coronavirus; after a while, you get fed up of it. People are only worried about their own lives. So, this is a good time to think in those angles instead of contemplating on the cause of this thing. Whatever the cause is, look at the effect; how it is affecting and affecting human life.

It’s not exactly the fear of coronavirus; it’s actually the fear of death that we are tackling. We are handling the fear of death in multiple dimensions with coronavirus; the effect of the virus and the possibility of imminent death as if we see death in front of us. How do we handle it? This is an existentialistic fear. This fear is born with us. When we are born, every hour, every moment we are walking towards death. We all know that but we don’t like to accept that. We’d like to believe that we will live forever. We must have all our likes fulfilled; dislikes taken away. We want all those things. We are experience bound; we are compelled to gather more and more experience using this physical body but the body is temporary. We are here only for some time.
An average life on earth, if we live for eighty years is only twenty-nine thousand days. It’s not a lot of days but we take it easy. We believe we will never die or we like to believe we will never die. We are chasing, competing, comparing, criticizing, judging, character assassinating; doing all sorts of things in the world, on earth! But at no point in time, do we think if this is the right thing to do!
Again this is a time for introspection. How many people we have harmed in our lives because of our insensitivity, unconscious lifestyle, ego and various other factors? We might have harmed a lot of people. This is a good time to take stock of our life.
So, I would like you to think in terms of the positives; much less pollution on earth. Apparently, the ozone layer is closing in. It’s improving. All the birds and the animals that are free and roaming are happy. And the climate change might be reversed; that’s what the newspapers say, if we continue like this without pollution, without emissions.
There are so many positive sides of this one effect of putting people at home. So, this is a very important thing, a very good point to contemplate, to introspect, go within and to assimilate!
Transcribed and proofread by
Rekha Murali
Read or watch other Mohanji’s messages on Corona virus here.
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