I have been telling that from 2012, the shift has started. And I have told in various forums, various satsangs, various meetings; I’ve written as well, that from 2012 a shift is happening and a shift also means a shift in consciousness. A shift in consciousness needs time. People should have time with themselves, to meet themselves, to talk to themselves, to understand themselves; to connect to themselves, and align themselves. That time is given now. People are given time to be with themselves.
Life will not be the same on Earth. This has been told many centuries ago by people. I had reiterated that. But what causes a situation of this size? This also, we must understand. Collective consciousness creates situations. It is the collective human consciousness of seven point five billion people. How did it happen? It happened through fear, competition, insensitivity, divisions, distractions, displacements, wars. Religion has killed many more people than this Corona virus. Religion is still killing. Religions are still fighting and killing people.
I’m not even talking about other species. So many species are getting killed every day just because we like to eat them. We like to eat their bodies. That’s on one side about which various people have spoken at various times, including me. If you ask our people who have listened to me, I have said that it is time to be human; a time for understanding, assimilating, compassion. Why did people not listen to all this? People listen to Masters or people listen to good advice at their convenience.

Most people do not even follow it. They listen and they forget. How many people follow it? Imagine a master; I’m not talking about myself, great masters; they have all talked eternal truths all the time. But how many of us are ready to follow it? If we don’t follow something; you can’t blame as well. Imagine a doctor treated you, diagnosed your ailment and prescribed a medicine for you. You threw the prescription away and you walked home. Then, if you complain that the doctor did not do the right thing, is the doctor to be blamed or the patient?
It’s like that. Masters have time and again spoken to people and said, “Please do not resort to violence, no wars, no bloodshed. Please live in peace. You should have peace within. You should accept other people as yourself. You should love every species as yourself. The same right that you have, they have; everybody has the same right on earth. The whole earth belongs to everybody. You do not have any priority. You are just one species on Earth.” Masters have spoken this over a period of time and even the mantras are for the whole nature to be peaceful. Let the beings who live in this nature be peaceful and then we say ‘Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu’ – let the whole beings of the world be peaceful, happy and blissful. So this has been told over and over again. But what are we doing? We are dividing all the time. Dividing between people, dividing between languages, dividing between religions based on all this and we do not see eye to eye with each other.

We look at another as not from us, not part of us, even though we are one species. So what created this situation? It’s not the gurus or the people who have connected to consciousness. I have never told anybody that I am connected to supreme consciousness for that matter. I have never told anybody that I am a guru. I have never, ever claimed that I am somebody’s guru. I have never claimed to be enlightened. So that is one thing, I would like to point out now.
This is people’s notions that Mohanji could be enlightened, whatever, that is up to the people. I’m not responsible for that. But having said that, there have been many masters speaking over a period of time and warning people, big destruction can happen if you do not change your ways. Why we did not pay attention? Instead, we killed the people who spoke. We crucified Jesus. We gave poison to Socrates. We harmed Jnaneshwar.
We did everything possible to disturb and destroy the truth; speakers of truth. We did that. We do that still. Anybody who sticks to the truth or speaks the truth, they are annihilated, assassinated, at least character assassinated. We see that every day, we see that even now. But at the same time, the people who sugar coat and try to play politics and try to be a surf rider in this existence, they are accepted. They are regarded. Those who speak well are more respected. Those who speak the truth are disrespected. But those who speak well, even if it is not the truth, they are respected. They are appreciated. They are given awards, acknowledgements; this is life. This is the reality. Why I’m insisting and saying this point is because anybody is walking the path of spirituality, (path of spirituality is the path of yourself, connecting to yourself deeply, unconditionally and perfect alignment is spirituality); you are connecting to yourself and aligning yourself. That is spirituality. If you’re walking the path of alignment or walking the path of material, both are the same when it comes to responsibility. We are all responsible for every being on Earth, not only our own species but every species. We have no right to kill. We have no right to spill blood; not only human blood, any blood for that matter. Nobody is born to satiate the appetite of human beings.
This is the truth which we must really understand, and which we must be very careful about. Nobody is born to satisfy our palate. We know very well that 2012 December the shift started; 2022 December – 1 segment, 10 years segment happens. Then again, it will continue. A shift is happening and shift also means shift over; shift in consciousness. A shift in consciousness means you’ve got to be extremely flexible, extremely compassionate, kind, selfless and unconditional in existence and love unconditionally.

If love is your method of communication you are in a good mode of operation. You’re doing the right thing. So this is my answer. Please understand that it is not a problem with the masters. If you really follow a master, follow 100% even if the master is wrong. If you really trust him, trust him with your life. Trust him totally. If you don’t trust him, don’t go to him. No master asks you, “Please come to me”, or no master promises you, “Oh, please come. I’ll give you something.” True Masters will never, ever promise like that. If you are there, if you are available, maybe there’ll be a transformation. No guarantee, zero guarantees. This is your life; your walk, your connection, your conviction, and your destiny. So, you should be very clear. So I would like to say that do not go to any master expecting a miracle or a shift in the collective consciousness and creating a change in life. It will not happen.
Collective consciousness is much larger; let’s say six billion people; crazy, angry, running after, chasing things, comparing, criticizing in that unconscious mode. And let’s say one billion people are living in only peace and no competition, no comparison, only love. Which is more? Six billion is always more. The consciousness of the remaining one billion cannot supersede the six billion. Understand collective consciousness has a big role to play. World wars were created by collective consciousness. Ideological warfare was created by collective consciousness. Religions, religious movements, wars, bloodshed, displacements were created by collective consciousness. All these are connected to a collective consciousness. We must be clear and aware of this!
Transcribed and proofread
By Rekha Murali
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