Hello, my dear friends. Welcome to my podcast channel. This is Mohanji.
Today, I would like to offer food for thought, which is of great relevance to all the people of the world, everybody. Everybody at some point in time, would have asked this question, “Who am I? What am I doing here? What am I here for?” These questions would have come to everybody’s mind at some point in time, in their whole life. Sometimes this question comes at the most desperate moments when despair is so high, so overwhelming. That’s probably the time when this question comes, but for many people, it spontaneously happens, hence it is a very relevant question. Self-discovery! Self-discovery is a very important discovery which only human beings are capable of. And this discovery is worth it. That’s one of the greatness of human birth, that we are able to find ourselves.
There are numerous things outside. There are so many materials, so many relations, so many spaces, so much of variety. They are all adding value to our life. And sometimes with all those, we feel discontented. We are not happy with all these things. We have everything but we are not happy. Why is it so? One simple reason; we haven’t found ourselves. That’s the only reason. We haven’t found ourselves.

So self-discovery is an important discovery, which every person should undertake sooner or later. But in daily life, in the daily chores, we pitch into situations and then we think this is more important. So we get carried away with life and it’s various aspects. But at some point in time, we decide, “Oh, this is not really giving me satisfaction. Situations are not giving me satisfaction, money is not giving me satisfaction. Nothing is giving me satisfaction.”
That’s the time when we really start digging deeper into ourselves. To find out who we actually are. There, the game changes. That question is a game-changer. Life changes. That time we will realize nothing else is worth it, except finding ourselves. Then no distractions of the outside world, nothing of the outside world touches us because we have found a purpose; a real purpose, which we can find only in human existence. That purpose overwhelms us, makes us powerful, makes us integrated.

There, the hand of the Master comes, who has already found himself. A Master is somebody who has found himself. His hand comes and holds you. “Come, my child. I’ll take you there”. Take you where? Take you to yourself. That’s the job of the master. To take you to yourself. And there, once you settle down in yourself, you become a master. MASTERY OVER YOURSELF. In that mode, you’re super powerful. You are everything, you are every being, you are every situation. You are total and complete. There, you and the Master are one. That’s the journey. That’s the real journey. That’s the potential that we have; human life has, human existence has. If that’s not understood, we have wasted life. We will look everywhere but we will not find the real thing. We will go to all places but we will not be happy. We will taste everything in life, all aspects of life. Everything is okay, everything is good, but we will still be unhappy; we will still be dissatisfied, discontented. Contentment happens only when we find ourselves.
I leave this thought on your plate today. Find yourself. Think about it, contemplate on it. This is a very, very important subject. This is possible only in human life. We are all lucky that we are human beings and we can find ourselves. There is an ability deep within, which helps us to find ourselves. Don’t miss this chance. That’s the only thing which is really worth it. No money, no other things are as important as finding ourselves. I leave you with this thought on your plate. Digest it well, and let’s talk about it. I would like to have your opinions. I would like to have your suggestions and ways we can improve. I’d be happy to do that.
I wish you a great day and a great week ahead.
Lots of love.

Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt
Proofread by Rekha Murali
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