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Hello, my dear friends.
Today, I would like to answer a question, connected to our Power of Purity meditation.
What are the signs of unhooking?
One of the key purposes of the Power of Purity meditation is to unhook from the past; from the bindings, from the attachment, and from anything which prevents you from progressing in your connection with yourself. So unhooking is one of the primary aims of the Power of Purity. We unhook from various things.
The question is, “What are the usual effects of unhooking?”
I’ll give you certain thoughts, upon which you can ponder, expand, and also check within to see if some of these things have happened to you. If yes, it means that you have actually done this meditation, with full concentration and full application.

So, here is the science of unhooking: primarily, there will be overall mental freedom. You will feel free when you forgive and forget the past. There is no way that we can feel free when we are burdened by the past.
Forgiving and forgetting are essential for our own sake. The Forgiveness Process that we have created and uploaded on the website is because it is essential to move forward in the path of liberation.

Similarly, the Power of Purity meditation will help you release many of those bindings and hooks from the past and keep you steady and going in the Path of Liberation. So you will feel overall mental freedom; the past is buried and settled, or the past is well disposed of. You are free in the present, and the future will be better.
The second point is that you will refrain from judging, interfering, criticizing, gossiping, and scandalizing people at any point in time.
Because you will know that all are carrying their own burdens, and you have nothing to do with it. You are carrying your burden of the past, your burden of desires, your burden of anxieties and fears; you’re carrying so many things. But so is everyone, all people.

So, why do we compare? Why do we judge? Why do we criticize another?
We are the same, in different forms, but we are the same. We are all a bundle of patterns; we are all a bundle of desires and a bundle of inclinations and tendencies. Everybody is the same; nobody is immune to any of this. Then why do we judge, criticize compare, and compete? We will stop doing all that, that’s a clear sign of progress.
We would not care too much about material possessions and positions.
We will have them; we will enjoy them; we will appreciate them. We will be fully involved in them, but at the same time, we will have clarity that they are all temporary. Time brings things; time takes things away. So we will not be too happy, nor will we be too disappointed. If we give too much importance on things temporary, the result is a disappointment. So when you continuously, consistently, practice the Power of Purity, you may not have many disappointments.
Another aspect is, you will have deep remembrance of higher purpose.
That means, what is real for you in this lifetime? Is it just what it seems to be? Is it this illusory world, where you have possessions and positions? Or is there something better you can do in life? At least that thought will come. What exactly am I supposed to do? And the answer also will come. What capacity do you have? What skill or knowledge or experience do you have? What disposition do you have? What kind of motivation you have? You will work accordingly.

It is incomparable; some people have great motivation to do great work on Earth; some have medium motivation to do some work on Earth; some people will have no motivation. So, they have to follow a master, or they have to follow guidance from somebody, and they have to walk in the steps, which are suitable for them. And the people who have medium motivation also should be associated with something that will motivate them to do more. Those who have great motivation can lead other people to the right way of life.

Another aspect is self-inspiration, just for the sake of it; Self-inspiration for doing great things in the world.
Whatever your field is, you can do well in your own chosen field. You can do well in your own life. You can perfect yourself as much as you can, in your own life. Actually speaking, we have limited time on Earth, and we do not have the luxury of expanding or contracting our time. So, what is the best thing to do?
Be inspired to do your best every day; self-inspiration. Self-inspiration also comes when we are unburdened from the past; when we are not prejudiced. We are not sitting around, and gossiping about people, talking bad, character assassinating, and contaminating our inner space. When we do not do such things, we have self-inspiration; we will be focused on what we can do for this world or give to this world, share with the world.
Self-motivation, that is one of the advantages when you’re unburdened, unhooked.
Another aspect is deep acceptance; along with it (unhooking) comes the acceptance of everyone and everything.
In other words, we are contented with what we have. It is this feeling of gratitude with what we have, and we feel good with everybody and everything.
It’s not that you become a doormat and accept all the hits and wears and tears from society. Instead, it is simply through deep acceptance of yourself and everybody and everything around you, will be contented; you’ll be happy. This happens when you unhook from the past. This is another point.

We have our complexes – inferiority complex, superiority complex, all sorts of complexes. Along with those, we have our fears; we have our anxieties; we have prejudices; we have patterns; they become simplified. Many of them dissolve or at least reduce. You can see the patterns reducing, its impact is less, and you can feel a difference, some lightness in yourself.
Then, another effect is reconciliation with oneself – the past, the people from the past.
As I said when you unhook, you are reconciled. You accept things as they are. You remove guilt; you remove regrets; that makes you light. When you bless people, when you unhook yourself from all those things, of the past, which are unnecessary to maintain; this means you don’t have to maintain them; when all these things are unhooked or removed, reconciliation happens, and you will feel light and beautiful.
You feel good inside. You will feel the beauty of yourself, within yourself. And essentially, because the past is all reconciled, you will live in the present time. And that’s the only time you have; the future has not yet happened – the present, this here now. And that’s what you have; you will be fully in the present, no regret, no guilt; no anxiety over the future, either. That’s a very great feeling; feeling light; feeling pure; feeling good.

And when you are reconciled with yourself, and you’ve accepted yourself fully, you will feel one with all materials and beings around you, people around you. Times and states, emotions and various flavours of life, will be fine with you because you will experience everything as you are, with full capacity, and you know very well whatever has come, will also go. Nothing stays forever.
The understanding of impermanence will help you a lot in saving yourself from disappointments.
So, you will experience that.
Once the mind is settled, the mind is not disturbed; the mind is not ridden by regrets and guilt, fears and phobias, likes and dislikes prejudices, comparisons, a feeling of injustice in life. When all these things have settled and are removed, you will start connecting more and more to your soul principle, S-O-U-L principle, which is the driving force within you. That is the most silent, the most permanent aspect of you. You will start experiencing the soul principle, better.

Another aspect the society may notice in you is because you have reconciled with yourself, you have become a full unit, and the corresponding power and presence increase.
When you are not distracted, when you are stable, when you are aligned, your power and presence increase multiple folds. And this will be reflected in the society; the society will see it. The society will experience a change and transformation in you, and you will definitely shine bright. This can happen only when you practice it consistently, every day, or maybe even twice a day, if possible. And you should have the conviction that there is bound to be a great transformation.

Let it take time, but it will happen, eventually.
When you have reconciled with yourself, when you’ve accepted yourself, when you have accepted the world around you, you will be filled with humility, gratitude, compassion, and you will not pretend anymore; no pretensions.
You have no artificiality; you are not artificial at all, because you are yourself. You are well-grounded. There is no burden of the past, such as regrets, guilt, and no burden of the future, which are anxieties, fears, phobias, and prejudices.
You have accepted yourself. You accepted society. You have unhooked yourself from all the bindings. There is no hypocrisy anymore. There are no masks anymore. There’s purity written well on your face. There is confidence. Powerful presence. Thus if you’re unhooked, you will live in freedom.
You will love; you will be totally romantic because life is an eternal, divine romance. It’s not a man – woman romance. It’s romancing the entire existence. Seeing the beauty of love in every creation; the beauty of love, within you and outside of you, everywhere, and you will see bright, look bright, you will be bright and shining all the time.
I hope this is clear, there is much more to it, but I think this is sufficient for you to understand what unhooking means and what unhooking will give you as a gift.
Lots of love.
This is Mohanji for you.

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Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt
Proofread by Vidya Rajagopalan
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