From hypocrisy to reality | Mohanji
Hello, my dear friends. Today I am with you to discuss something which is reasonably painful. The grim situation that we all felt with the shootings at the school in Serbia. Why did we feel so much? Because we’ve seen the place, we’ve felt the place, the people, and the vibrations of Serbia. I particularly have spent a lot of time in Serbia – very good people, great hearts full of love, and a lot of kindness in them.
Harsh reality of today’s world
Then why are these things happening? You cannot isolate Serbia for these kinds of things. We’ve seen many shootings in the USA and many such things in the world. There’s an agitated youth in the world. We can’t ignore them; we cannot say that this is isolated, and it doesn’t matter. It does matter. Today I’m trying to see what’s possible and what isn’t possible. So, this is a discussion, or it’s just a loud expression of thoughts – thinking aloud so that you can also think about it, and probably together, we can make a difference in the world.
It’s easy to say, “Meditate and be calm.” Not so; meditation works only when we have a certain level of tranquillity. Meditation isn’t isolated from our daily life. We cannot look at meditation as a solution for everything. Meditation is a state that we arrive at when we are reasonably calm, reasonably quiet, and our thoughts are less. Then we connect to ourselves, our frequencies and vibrations, and we stay in that state – that’s meditation. So, meditation isn’t always a solution.

We need to look at the input we are having now. Tremendous inputs – I’ll take you through some of the points that I thought.
One thing particularly about schools, I feel, there should be very less teaching and much more counselling. We don’t need more teachers; teachers teach subjects for examinations. That’s the method of teaching which is not really suitable for man-making, making a good human being. Teaching subjects is not really the right thing to do in situations like today. We need counsellors.
Counselling youngsters to nurture them
Teachers should be counsellors. Teachers should learn how to counsel, or we should have more counsellors than teachers. They should interact with children; they should get to know them, and the children should feel good to speak to them. There should be a close interaction. There should be communication. Today, communication is so less between parents and children, between children and children, between children and society, but inputs are a lot. So, we need fewer teachers and more counsellors.
Then we need to nurture the concept of ahimsa. Ahimsa (nonviolence) is essential as a life pattern or as a law, where you are rewarded for being kind; you are rewarded for being compassionate; you are rewarded for being loving so that the children learn to do that because there’s a reward. It’s almost like training animals. They do something; then you give them a reward, so they learn to do that.
Just like that, at the elementary level, we need to teach children to be kind, compassionate, righteous, and good, and for that, they get rewarded. This must start in schools so that at least the thoughts of violence will be eclipsed by thoughts of goodness.
So, first is – counselling should be much more; every child should be spoken to. Secondly, we need to have a system of rewards. I don’t know how much we understand our child because there’s no communication these days because we’re only using gadgets. We don’t really understand the child; I don’t think we understand the child a lot. It’s time we get to know them. We need to spend time with them.
The role of religious leaders
Then one other thing is that the overemphasis of religion on children or forcing them to follow a certain religion, external God, or fear; this should stop. All religious leaders should take responsibility for the younger generation – making them kind. They don’t just teach religion; also, they have influence over society. All the people who have influence over society, not just religious leaders. It could be any influencer – musician, writer, or artist. Everybody should take responsibility.

All religious leaders should take responsibility for the younger generation – making them kind.
– Mohanji
They should be responsible – social responsibility. They should tell stories of kindness from history, kind people from the past, and how many in the society, no war situation and also the adversities of violence. When you are violent, your self-esteem goes, and your conscience is affected.
All those things should be conveyed consistently to children so that children grow up feeling, “I want to be good; I want to do something for the world; I want to do something for the country; I want good governance; I want good people, society; people should be happy”, and these kinds of selfless thoughts, thoughts of goodness, kindness. These kinds of things should be cultivated by all influencers, especially religious leaders.
Religious leaders who have influence over society – people come to their mosques, churches, and temples, should communicate goodness, kindness etc. Not segregation, separation, violence – they should never ever talk. If at all they do that, they are doing a disfavour to society.
They are creating citizens who are vulnerable and angry, and they can cause wars in society. So, every religious head and every influencer should use their platform to bring kindness to society. This is their responsibility.
It takes a village to raise a child
One other thing we must notice is that society has more influence on the child than their parents. Parents have only a very limited role. Today, you can mostly see parents passing a mobile phone or digital platform to the child, and then the child is occupied with this; parents do their job.
There’s a disconnection between the child and the parents. Sometimes parents take children as a burden, not as a blessing. This is also causing the disconnect: the child feels abandoned or unloved, and that causes trauma; that causes pain, and that sometimes becomes violence.

Society has a serious responsibility over every child. Today because of the virtual world, because of the internet and those kinds of media, so much data is coming to the child. Pornography is everywhere; violence is everywhere. There are games which teach children to be violent – killing people; there are lots of games which are violent, and children love them, and it kind of makes them feel like a rebel, which isn’t good.
We can’t change society actually – what’s happening now; the sign of the times – we can’t change. That’s reality. We cannot change everything, but at least society can take more responsibility and respect, honour, and nurture every child. It’s not just the parents, and there’s no point in arresting parents only.
The responsibility should also go to the entire society because we should ask society, “How have you handled your children? How have you nurtured your children? How have you supported your children?” These questions should be asked. So, every aspect of society is responsible for every child, not just the parents.
The impact of radiation on our mental state
Another point here is: there’s tremendous pollution in the air. It’s not just the pollution which emissions create; it’s much more. There’s radiation from various factories, various gadgets, and electronic radiation. So many radiations are happening, and all these are causing mental vibrations to change accordingly.
There’s a shift in mental vibrations. There’s no freshness anymore. So much radiation is happening – not just for human beings, but for every being. You see aberrations in the behaviour pattern of animals, so why not children? Children are more vulnerable.
The radiation [that] the gadgets cause, the satellites cause on our brains is really, really serious. It affects the thought process; it makes more unconsciousness. People resort to drugs, abuse, and so many things, which are all triggered by the vibratory pattern of the brain.

So many radiations are happening, and all these are causing mental vibrations to change accordingly. Radiation caused by gadgets and satellites on our brains is really, really serious.
– Mohanji
So, there’s a lot of pollution, gadgets and radiation and satellites; so much pollution is happening. We have more and more satellites now because of 3G, 4G, and 5G. So, in the whole world, the vibration has shifted, and it’s bombarded into our brains, and it’s affecting our thought process. It’s causing aberrations.
Then we immediately, I mean as soon as something happens, instead of counselling and making the person come out of their situation, we kind of condemn them, we kind of convict them, and we imprison them. There’s not even an opportunity for the person to actually come back to his original thought process because there’s no room for that.
The need to re-ignite that personal touch
Nobody has time, nobody cares, nobody attends, and nobody even communicates properly, except through WhatsApp or any media of communication. Those kinds of things are not really the best way, you know. Eye-to-eye contact, communication verbally, talking to each other, hugging each other – this is important, which is very less today.
Also, the idea of love itself is contaminated. Love has become transactional. Love is more of a transactional thing: I do this for you; you do this for me, and we call it love. That’s not love.
We should start romancing life, romancing every being, romancing the weather, romancing the situations, romancing everything, and romance should be the method of living so that we have no resistance towards anything. We have more acceptance. We have to accept more, and when we see aberration, we have to handle it through counselling.
If there’s a serious aberration, criminal mentality, and people are very, very distracted, then they should be isolated from society in a very beautiful place where they can be nurtured individually. Society, the government, and the education system can do much more. We are not doing anything. Schools are just for teaching; that’s not the place for teaching. Schools should be for nurturing. That’s the main difference we should see here.

We are what we eat
Now another aspect is the food we consume. We don’t even look at the food, the quality of the food we consume. We consume a lot of things which are not good for our system, and food also influences our brains or mind. Food influences definitely.
Most of the food which has the experience, which has violence behind it, like murder behind it, such as meat and animal products, cause serious vibratory changes in our system. They cause similar emotions which the animals faced or experienced when they were murdered.
So, the meat that we consume and the materials we consume which are connected to animals – sentient beings that feel just like us, but we don’t care. That consumption causes serious imbalances in our vibratory level. That affects our brain, and that affects our thought processes. If a child sees murder or bloodshed of an animal, it’ll feel nothing about killing a person, a human being.
What’s the big deal? They’ve seen enough blood, and they’ve seen it’s ok to kill. It’s lawfully approved; it’s legal to kill animals, so they feel it’s ok to kill people. ‘If I don’t like somebody, I can kill them’, that idea comes into the minds of children, which is very dangerous.
It’s important that we cultivate healthy food habits. Food which has consumed sunlight, which is grown on earth, and which is nonviolent – no physical violence connected to it, that food has to be nurtured more. So, food has a major role to play in the stability of a child and a human being.

Likewise, water – water has life; water is life, and water also conveys life. So, we need to use more coherent water – water which is treated for coherence before we consume it. That helps our coherence inside. We must have all our tap water and stream water as coherent water, which can be done easily today with technology.
What water carries today are the radiations which the water is exposed to. We have to understand that we must remove these radiations before we consume. The plastic water bottle may not have it. We must use more coherent water.
Food, water, then medicines – the vaccines. We give a lot of injections and vaccines, and medicines to children under the pretext of protecting them from diseases, but what about the mind? What about vibratory planes? What about mental patterns and the brain?
We are ignoring them completely. We are probably preventing some diseases, but in the bargain, we are completely damaging the system of natural immunity, which is also causing these kinds of situations and mental aberrations.
Medicines play a major role. We are used to popping a pill or taking an injection, which isn’t so good. That’s not the way it should be. Use more natural medicines, herbs, plants and stuff which is more suitable for the body.
The need to break that ‘virtual world’ barrier
Another thing is the virtual world. I had touched upon it earlier – the virtual world. People are more used to the virtual world. They are gadget oriented; they don’t make eye contact; they don’t really connect to people. They isolate themselves behind gadgets, and they don’t really have any connection, feeling, or sensitivity towards other beings.
More often than not, they look at another human being as a nuisance, as a disturbance in their own personal world. Their communication pattern has changed. We must admit it. There’s no relationship – proper feeling or relationship between people these days.

People are more used to the virtual world. They are gadget oriented; they don’t make eye contact; they don’t really connect to people.
– Mohanji
Every relationship is kind of a transactional relationship. Nobody really cares about another. Society doesn’t care, and society looks at the person as a potential consumer. They are pitched to profits, so then, disconnection has already happened. Plus, on top of that, the connection between individuals.
There has to be some way to change this system. We can’t stop technology from evolving, and we shouldn’t. More than that, we must have eye contact, communication, touch, hug, and feel each other, especially feeling the pain of each other and the pain the animals go through when they are murdered or they are tortured before killing.
All these things we should feel, and then we’ll have a better world. At least people will start feeling, and then it’ll be much easier to bring a child to the level of awareness where ahimsa (nonviolence) can exist.
One other point I thought was – convicting is not at all a solution; counselling is. You need to understand the victimhood of the predator. Many people are helpless, vulnerable and insecure, and they resort to violence to protect themselves. We look at them as potential criminals, and we convict them. That’s not a good idea because we need to know what made them like this.
There’s always a reason or set of reasons which made them violent persons. Mostly it’s self-protection, insecurity, or lack of acceptance by society. All those things might have created in them a deep pain or isolation, which might have caused them to resort to violence.
So, it’s important that we stop convicting so easily and use counselling to know the person. Of course, you can isolate them from society and give them some kind of respect and counselling so they can also get productive in some way.
Violent activities should be nipped in the bud
Any activities which cause violence should not be entertained, including games, things which, are like even a political system which provokes violence – it shouldn’t be entertained. Games and plays and all those things which cause violence, separation or distraction should never be entertained and shouldn’t be accepted.

Convicting alone shouldn’t be done; counselling should be done, and isolating them from society if you find them antisocial or not good for society. Take them out; it doesn’t matter what age, but give them that kind of stability elsewhere so they can eventually merge with society peacefully.
Now another thing. What’s the way we can have peace in the world? My answer is very simple – ban weapons. If all 195 countries of the world ban weapons, weapon manufacturing is illegal, and there’ll be peace in the world. Very, very few people, like police or some law-enforcing bodies, can use weapons, and that too with extreme discretion. That should be the law.
If the United Nations, or that kind of body, have power over nations, this is one of the things they should do. Ban weapons; no hunting, and no killing; no weapons.
Individuals shouldn’t use weapons. Why should they use weapons? They should be trained in self-protection like karate, judo, kung fu, and kalarippayattu; all these things are good for self-protection. That’s enough for people; no need for weapons. Weapon manufacturing should completely end. It should be outlawed.
There should be no use for weapons except for law enforcement agencies; that’s about it. Banning weapons will ensure peace. Also, when there’s violence, there’s a crime, there’s an argument, there should be counselling. There should be counselling first before convicting.

What’s the way we can have peace in the world? My answer is simple – ban weapons.
– Mohanji
Now lastly, nurturing a healthy mind takes effort. It should start from childhood, from a very young age, all the way through to death. Everybody faces many situations in life. We can’t avoid them; destiny keeps throwing them in our faces. We must handle them, but when we handle them, how do we handle them? The primary should be ahimsa (nonviolence); one of the fundamentals should be nonviolence. That should be nurtured and cultivated.
Anything which is violent by nature in thoughts, words, or expressions should never be entertained. We must resort to developing and nurturing a healthy frame of mind within homes, schools, departments, government officials, or work patterns. Everybody should entertain or express a healthy state of mind in society; violence is not a solution, and senselessly convicting is not a solution either.
We can nurture a better world by practising nonviolence, love, and kindness and rewarding them for doing that. These are my thoughts for today. I’ll leave it to you. Think about it.
Maybe there are many things which I missed that you can contribute, or you can develop some of these things which I told you, but these are food for thought. Hope you like them. Let there be a world which is extremely peaceful, loving and kind, and we can all live like one family – one world, one family. Thank you.
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Transcribed by Violeta Popovic
Proofread by Geetha K.S